BASF’s diverse flotation range includes collectors, frothers, dispersants, and modifiers and is backed by a strong production platform of aliphatic alcohols, glycols and surfactants which makes BASF a natural partner for the coal industry.
The coal industry is driven by the need to maximize yield whilst minimizing ash content. A new cost-effective range of frother and collector formulations have been developed by BASF to achieve these objectives. These formulations have shown the ability to deliver improvements on a range of coal types, including those traditionally difficult to float.
BASF’s extensive backward integration into the building blocks of flotation chemistries enables us to effectively apply our knowledge and chemical experience to develop both conventional and novel chemistries to meet the technical and commercial challenges faced by the industry, both today and into the future. | ![]() |
BASF Mining Solutions provides specific reagent blends tailored to individual sites, mineralogy and process conditions to optimize yield.
Alamine®/ Aliquat® : A range of high-purity, water insoluble amines used to extract, recover and / or purify metals such as uranium, vanadium and molybdenum
The Alclar® : range is specific to the alumina industry and includes flocculants for use in thickeners, washers, super-thickeners, hydrate thickeners and green liquor filtration. Products also include dewatering aids and crystal growth modifiers.
Alcotac® : Organic binders used to agglomerate a wide variety of mineral sub strates. For example the Alcotac® CS and the Alcotac® FE range is specific to iron ore pelletisation as a full or partial replacement for bentonite. The Alcotac® DS trade name is also applied to a range of universal dust suppressants
Solutrix™ : Polymeric dispersants, rheology modifiers, scale inhibitors and desclal- ants for use in a wide variety of mineral processing systems.
Drimax® : Highly effective surface active agents specifically designed to reduce the moisture content of filter cakes and centrifuge solids
LIX® : The LIX® range consists of solvent extraction reagents that form water insoluble complexes with various metallic cations. LIX® reagents are used for the extraction of metals such as copper, germanium, molybdenum, nickel and palladium.
Lupromin® : Specialized collector fomulations used as additives or stand-alone col lectors in various processes involving recovery of phosphates, coal and industry minerals. Frother formulations applicable in a broad range of applications such as copper, iron ore and coal flotation.
Purification Clays : A range of acid activated clays specifically developed to facilitate the re- moval of polar contaminants from the organic phase in solvent extraction.
Magnafloc® : A range of synthetic flocculants and coagulants designed for a wide ety of mineral processing applications: e. g. thickening, clarification tion and centrifugation
Rheomax® : Combines a range of advanced flocculants (Rheomax® DR) and an innovative approach to Tailings Management (Rheomax® ETD) to provide novel solutions to the mining industry’s pain points. In particular, chal lenges that relate to the use and recovery of water, process optimization improved recovery of metals or minerals, minimization of land footprint and faster rehabilitation of that land.
BASF’s commitment to an innovative mining industry
Innovation is at the heart of BASF’s Mining Solutions business as our aim is to develop novel and innovative chemistries and technologies to effectively meet the evolving challenges that the mining industry continues to face. BASF is committed to working in close collaboration with our customers, academia, and global industry organizations.
BASF’s extensive backward integration into the building blocks of product chemistries for mineral processing enables us to effectively apply our knowledge and chemical experience to develop both conventional and novel chemistries to meet the technical and commercial challenges faced by the industry, both today and in the future.
Our Product Development and Technical Support personnel are located around the globe and are complemented by three BASF Global Competence Centers, based in Tucson (North America), Ludwigshafen (Europe), and Perth (Australia) and supported by Flotation laboratories in Jacarei (Brazil) and Moscow (Russia).
With our chemistry, equipment, process and application technologies, industry experience, and customer commitment, BASF can uniquely package competencies and expert offerings to effectively support the diversity of mineral processing technology developments and process challenges.
Global Leading Manufactures: | ![]() |