After a period of over 25 years of production without any renovation or upgrade, now the flotation machine lines of Vinaapaco Company are operating frequently with problems such as impeller jamming, uneven air supply, unstable motor current, unsatisfactory cos φ coefficient, technological instability, affecting recruitment results as well as increasing product costs.
In fact, at present, the cost of producing with grade III apatite ore has the consumable electricity evaluate 18% ~ 20%. In which, the flotation stage has the largest power consumption, accounting for 50% of the power consumption of the entire chain system of the flotation plant.
In order to reduce the cost of producing ore flotation, the definite objective is to reduce the cost of electricity, namely, to reduce power consumption at the flotation stage.
FLSmidth is a world famous for large capacity flotation machines with advanced technology application for achives high recovery efficiency and low power consumption.
Currently, FLSmidth’s experts are studying for best solution of upgrade the old USSR flotation machines by the new advanced equipment.