BASF research new generation collector for Vinaapaco Company in Lao Cai, Vietnam

Grade III apatite ore is a poor ore, with an average P2O5 content of only about 15 – 18%, it also containing many impurities such as quartz, silicates, etc., which are minerals with a large density. Due to the different characteristics of apatite, this ore is currently the target of applying enrichment technology for the purpose of utilizing the resources of Vinaapaco Company.

The goal of Mineco Company and BASF is to research a new generation collector to improve recovery efficiency, minimize tail loss and reduce production costs.

The target result of the new generation collector will be achives final product of concentrate P2O5 ≥32%, recovery efficiency ≥70% and tail loss P2O5 ≤5%.

During the implementation process, the BASF’s research team focused on researching on the actual samples at Bac Nhac Son plant with sequential steps: first research in the laboratory, seconrd in the semi-industrial plant (Pilot station), and final with test at exsiting flotation line of Bac Nhac Son plant.